Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Where To Buy Your House

Do You Love Your Country / Homeland?

Most of the people love and vote for their own country, it‘s their country of birth, their country of origin. However, during 1950 people began to leave their country. Why?

1.) Poverty: they have no job or their income is so low, they can’t buy enough food for themselves or their families.

2.) Greed: they read or heard news about a wealthy country seeking workers: they worked and settled in the foreign country, decided to become citizen if possible.

3.) Weather: Many people leave their homeland and settle in a sunny, warm country. Their homeland is cold and cloudy most of the year.

4.) Religion: Some people leave their homeland for religious reasons. Their homeland Government does not support their religion.

5.) Adventure: Some people, mainly young people, leave their country to explore another country. If they know the language and get on well, they could stay for many years.

If they have a house in their own country, they can sell it and buy a house in the country of their choice. Of course, sometimes this is not easy. To achieve this, you must be quite wealthy. Many countries have very nice properties, value for money:

2 bed room house in Marrakesh, Morocco £100.000

3 bed room house in Portugal: 95.000 Euro

In other countries houses are more expensive:

3 bed room house in Dubai £500.000

In the USA, for example Los Angeles you also can buy a house for $500.000

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