Tuesday 15 June 2010


Choosing to buy a House

• Constructive fault
• Error with roof, ground or soil
• New project could be planned in front or next to you
Seek insurance and advice. An option is to buy a house which is 3 – 10 years old, with no problems.
• Choose to buy in any country, if you are free from visa issues. Make sure you have enough money the rest of your life, or some sort of income to support you and your family. Study and enjoy the language of your chosen country.

Buy land and hire professionals to build your dream house
Another option is to buy land and look for an architect to construct your dream house with a large garden and swimming pool if you wish.

Landlord’s problems solved

Landlord, do you have problems with tenants who cause damage or don’t pay rent? – Rent out to wealthy, professional people only. Or better sell the property and enjoy your life.

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